Yes, all of our templates are customizable, so you can choose the design you love and make it perfect for you!
Many users ask us if they can use templates in one category for a different occasion, e.g. "Can I use the safari template for a baby shower for a birthday party?"
Even if art and design are not your things, Smilebox makes it easy for you to create a beautiful creation with minimal effort!
We suggest a Premium subscription to get the most out of Smilebox's design and share features. Pro is excellent if you need it for professional reasons or don't want the Smilebox logo to appear.
Here is an example of how a few changes work really well:
Sweet Safari - Category - Baby Shower
Photo Option ON
1. We changed the title of the design from 'baby shower' to 'birthday party', using a pink font.
2. We updated the text to include the contact details for guests to RSVP to the host.
3. We added a photo.
4. Although you cannot see it here, we changed the tune from the default Bright to Jangly, which sounds more appropriate for a toddler.
Enjoy, and remember that if you have any questions, just contact us.