You can share your creation either from the Editor or the Homepage
To share your creation from the editor, click Share. You will see the button Share or Print if you are working on any type of creation, except for the slideshow. This button will direct you to the Share page.
If you click Save, it will only save the creation you made on your account (the My Creations tab). You must go to the Share page to choose how to deliver your beautiful creation.
If you finished personalizing your creation and have already left the editor, please go to the My Creations tab in the top toolbar in the right corner of the homepage.
You can browse all your past creations there. The ones on the Ready to Share status (or "Ready to Send" mode for invitations) can be sent.
If the status of the creation is Continue Editing, you can click the button Share, choose the Share option, and the system will offer you to move your creation to the status Ready to Share/Send. If you are happy with your creation, then click the Share icon.
You now have several options to send your creation:
- Share on Twitter or Facebook (Premium and Pro feature)
- Share via email (Premium and Pro feature)
- Share by SMS (Premium and Pro feature)
- Get link (Premium and Pro feature)
- Embed code (Pro feature)
If you would like more Share options, you can click on the three dots tag:
- Download Video (Pro feature)
- Download Image (Pro feature)
- Print at Home (Premium & Pro feature)
Please keep in mind that sharing an RSVP invitation is possible only via email to get the responses from the receivers. If you turn off the RSVP feature, you can share your invitation as a regular card.
Enjoy, and remember that if you have any questions, just contact us.